Thursday, 17 May 2012

Seriously Shirty

OK, I feel a rant coming on...I've been working since I was 19. I've paid NI, direct and indirect taxation by the bucket load, produced four intelligent hard-working taxpayers and received precious few maternity rights. I've contributed £ks to educate my youngest, as I was foolish enough to want to set her an example by picking up my career in my 40s and, by being promoted rapidly through the ranks of both the NHS and Local Govt, thereby got clobbered with higher rate NI and tax bands. Now I have a permanent disability, Ian Duncan Smith treats me, and so many others like me as if we're scroungers who should be hidden away in a ghetto.

Well IDS, you've never met me, or encountered an angry ex public school-educated socialist who comes from a long line of political free-thinkers who stand up for the elderly, poor and disabled whom you lot treat with contempt. I mean business, and I'm not going to keep a low profile any longer. You and your Tory bully boys are turning this country into a place I'm not proud to live in any more.

You are betraying the hopes and ideals of generations of decent, hard-working men and women who sacrificed so much in WWII and who are now afraid to turn the heating on, and who get put to bed at 6pm by a homecare worker on minimum wage who has to complete 6 evening visits in an hour. You are going to reduce the disability benefits of permanently disabled ex servicemen.
Just you wait...I'm getting ready to get seriously shirty with this Government. You ain't seen nothing yet....end of rant.


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